Saturday, September 7, 2013

One Memorable Day

If I were to tell the complete story of my day, it would sound like an excerpt from an elementary student's creative writing piece.  You just wouldn't believe it!  Here are some highlights and pictures.  I'll save the details for later when I can tell them in person.  Hopefully they'll seem funny by then.

The children and I rapidly exited the house due to a random fumigation for rats.  Gabriel let the guys with big blowers in, thinking they were going to read a meter or something and leave.  The girls and I ran through white "smoke" so thick we couldn't see, to get to the door and get out.  (It reminded me of Tim Hawkins' bit on the bug truck!)

The neighbor's house airing out after the fumigation.
The neighbors could see we were a bit rattled, so they came over with their pet birds to cheer Abigail (and me!) up.  God answered my prayer about getting to meet them.  It just wasn't at all like I'd imagined.
Carlos with his 20+ year old parrot, Pancho
Freddy, Jacob, and Abigail with the parakeets

Next we hopped in a bicycle taxi to go to New Song for lunch.  We passed these oxen on the way.  Great chance to talk about how Jesus' yoke is easy and His burden is light.

After lunch we visited a new friend who had an operation yesterday.  Her sister gave us a house warming gift of dishes for the children.  It's quite humbling to accept a gift from someone living with far less than we are.  Thank you God for reminding me to love others like that.

Speaking of wonderful gifts, one of the young missionary's father is visiting this week.  He spent time with us today, and gave us a very nice water filter for our house.  Thank you, Tim!  God knows our needs, and He provides.

Lastly, Michael picked up our table from the carpenter's this afternoon.  It was wonderful to sit down together for dinner.  Thank you God for a full day, totally led by you.  I've got to be honest, I'm glad it's bed time.


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