About Us

Michael and Kellie, Gabriel, Christina, Jacob, and Abigail.

God has used circumstances and opportunities to help us examine His calling on our lives.  He has called us to "go and make disciples."  (Matt 28:19)  After much prayer and waiting, it became evident that the Lord wanted our family to move to Nicaragua to share the love of Christ and teach the truth of the Gospel.  We strive to make and develop disciples in our local community and outlying villages.

Michael has a passion to make disciples!  God called him into full-time foreign missions in 2010, and he has been following the Lord's direction in ministry ever since.  

Kellie enjoys the roles of Michael's helpmate and raising the kids. She likes to spend time in Bible study with other women and serving where God presents opportunities. 

Gabriel is our fast growing 14 year old.  He's a wonderful communicator, loves to read, and plays lead guitar. 

Christina has brought beauty into our lives for the past 11 years.  She enjoys using the artistic abilities that God has given her, to bless others.  She also enjoys singing, playing the ukelele, and baking. She is really doing a great job with learning Spanish.

Jacob is 9, and he loves the adventure of life.  He often prays that it will be a good day.  At night, he always thanks God that it was!  He has God given talent for fixing things, riding motorcycles, cooking, and playing the guitar.

Abigail joined our crew 7 years ago.  She is a bundle of excitement that is ready for whatever comes her way!  She enjoys dancing, dressing up, and ministering at her very own mission field - 1st grade at Colegio Sagrado de Jesus.