We don't want to over emphasize raising finances, but we do believe it's our responsibility to let God's people know about our needs. Although every Christian is called to be involved in foreign missions, it may not be God's will for you to go yourself. However, you can be a much needed partner to those of us who have been called to go. We are asking God to raise up Christians to sacrifice their time and resources for the sake of the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ. We ask that you pray and ask God about giving sacrificially, above your tithe to your local church, to support our family while we're making disciples of Christ in Nicaragua.
Our current annual budget needs are $20,000. If God has planned that you join with us financially, you may:
Send your tax deductible gift to:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 219228
(Checks should be made out to Central Missionary Clearinghouse. Please note on a separate enclosure that it is for the Medlin Family in Nicaragua.)
Donate with a credit card: You can make recurring monthly contributions or give one time gifts on the web at www.CMCMissions.org!
How it all works: Once your money arrives at CMC it is deposited in a local account and at the end of the month they transfer it to our personal bank and email us a report of the gifts received.
Thank you to all of our friends back home who have generously sacrificed and enabled us to minister in Nicaragua this past year. We thank God for His provision! We commit to you to use our finances in God honoring ways to sustain our family and spread the Gospel.