Sunday, December 21, 2014

Medlins Makin' Music

So thankful God's allowing us to participate in 
leading the worship time at church.

"Summer Break" with the kids in Chichigalpa

With the children out of school in Nicaragua, we have the opportunity to spend some time during the week teaching English and VBS at La Iglesia Buenas Nuevas!

Planting seeds after learning about creation

Game Time!

God is so Good

My Dad's struggle with cancer ended Nov. 8th, and he went to be with Jesus.  God's goodness throughout that situation was amazing. He allowed me to return to the States and spend some time with my Dad before he passed away. I was able to stay with my Mom a while afterwards, and enjoy the sweet fellowship of the Christian family God has blessed me with. 

I love you, Lord, and I thank you for blessing me during the loss of my Dad. I thank you so much for making him my Dad. He introduced me to you, and he lived the life of a disciple as a great example for me to follow.